Friday, December 16, 2005


After looking at the various Spiral Dynamics v-meme descriptions, I concluded that my own center of gravity, for most of my adult life, has existed in and around the orange v-meme.

- Strive for autonomy and independence
- Seek out 'the good life' and material abundance
- Progress through searching out the best solutions
- Enhance living for many through science and technology
- Play to win and enjoy competition
- Learn through tried-and-true experience
- Change, not permanence, is how nature works
- Authority lies with experience, experiments, and one’s own right-thinking mind
- People are meant to succeed and become winners
- Run it up the flagpole and see who salutes

However, having intellectually concluded that humans can, and do, evolve through stages, I of course wanted to try and make it happen.

So, I figured next stop….
the green v-meme.


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