I wanted to take a look at the Blue Spiral Dynamics v-meme a little bit. I like to try and identify Blue memes that I have embraced from time-to-time. I like to try and make myself find these behaviors in myself rather than summarily dismiss the notions that I don't, or have not, engaged in blue v-memetic behaviors.
- find meaning and purpose in living
- sacrifice self to the Way for deferred reward
- bring order and stability to all things
- control impulsivity and respond to guilt
- enforce principles of righteous living
- divine plan assigns people to their places
Blue - Truth ForceWhen people first develop a conscience or a moral sense they are ready to sacrifice themselves now for benefits later. This is the stage at which religion converts people to its truth in order to save them from hell and get to heaven. It is the process that young army recruits go through on the parade ground as they submit to the dominance of the sergeant representing the authority structure. School is a natural place for children to learn self control.
Blue is reinforced through appeals to traditions, by respecting the past, by honouring length of service and loyalty. Various forms of patriotic appeals and charitable sacrifice should accompany observances of national, religious, or secular holidays and commemorative events.
Although this blue behavior often seems associated with religious dogma. I think that scientists can behave in a blue v-meme world-view manner. I would use the pre-trans fallacy as an example of scientific dogma i.e. a doctor rejecting all alternative medical methods, and other behaviors.
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