Wednesday, October 05, 2005


I started trying to figure out what "figure out" meant because I had never really thought about it before. The word "figure" has 12 different meanings according to including:

  • - a list of figures, as in a book
  • - don't forget to "figure in" xyz
  • - having a nice figure (a body, or amount of money)

I think of "figuring it out" as a sort of "a-ha!" experience. It seems to involve a process:

I get bits of information as input.

That information simmers in me with things like repetition, practice, contemplation

Then it seems to, or has the potential to, suddenly "figure" (Ah Ha!)

But in a non-verbal, non-symbolic innner way that I can only make meager attempts at externally verbalizing or symbolizing to someone else.

Like with this blog entry.


At October 22, 2005, Blogger jomama said...

I like it when that last puzzle piece snaps into place.


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