Friday, September 23, 2005

Verbal Holarchy

In the following passage from a Carlos Castaneda book, I think of the "moment" he describes as the shock point between pre-verbal and verbal. (And overall, trying to point to trans-verbal)

For the sake of validating this premise don Juan concentrated the best of his efforts into leading me to a genuine conviction that what I held in mind as the world at hand was merely a description of the world; a description that had been pounded into me from the moment I was born.

He pointed out that everyone who comes into contact with a child is a teacher who incessantly describes the world to him, until the moment when the child is capable of perceiving the world as it is described.

According to don Juan, we have no memory of that portentous moment, simply because none of us could possibly have had any point of reference to compare it to anything else.

From that moment on, however, the child is a member.


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